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Russell is my miracle baby...everyone was extremely happy when he safely arrived on March 27, 2001...a few pics of the family with him...

Russell Morris weighed in at 5 pounds, nine ounces when he was born at the Women's Pavillion in Winnipeg...it was a clear night, and he finally joined us at 2:44 am.  my parents, and aunt stayed at the hospital until he was born (and they got a chance to hold him)  he was so tiny...newborn clothes were too big for his tiny body...he really was a miracle...i am truly blessed, and i love to show him off...enjoy these newborn pics of him...and visit further pages to see how quickly he is growing...

Russell with his very proud Zaida...

this is my Dad with Russell...he was able to hold him not even one hour after he was born...Russell was a healthy newborn, and my father couldn't have been happier, holding his precious grandson...

Russell with Baba and his Auntie Judy...

my Mom and her sister, my Auntie Judy, were extremely pleased witht his little bundle of joy...wrapped in his blanket, it was like holding a feather...he was defnitely spoiled by these sisters, who fell in love with him immediately...

Russell with his big brother Doug...

Doug was happy to meet his little brother Russell...he loved him from the start...there are many more beautfiul pics of these two brothers together...a wonderful bond between them, despite the gap in age...

Russell being adored by the family...

and adored he definitely was...you can see how happy my Mom is to finally be a Baba...and she is truly a wonderful Baba...

my sister Lisa with her nephew, Russell...

Russell is about one month old here...i loved that my sister came to visit so soon after he was born...she loved picking out clothes for him and taking him to the mall...he's wearing his newest overalls in this pic... :)

this is one of my favorite pics...

i was so happy to capture Russell's first smile on film...after the first one, he never stopped...always laughing and smiling...and it's certainly contagious...

Russell with his great Baba...Fritzie...

Fritzie couldn't have been happier to meet her great grandson...she is so proud of him...always telling people how wonderful he is...it really is a great love affair between the two of them...


visit the next pages to see some more great pics...