#1...my photo page...enjoy...
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i love digital photography...these are some pictures of my family, my town, my life...

most of you viewing this website know me, and possibly some of the people in my family...each picture has a caption with an explanation as to what or who you are looking at...i hope you enjoy these photos...i'll be updating them on a regular basis, so make sure you come back often to see what's new...

me...august 2003...

my Dad, and his Mom, Fritzie...

my Dad and Doug

my Dad and Auntie Judy

Lisa and i...thanksgiving 2002...

Russell and i...summer 2003...

Lisa and Steve...thanksgiving 2002...

me with my best friend, Michelle...



just hanging around...

Russell hugging his Baba and Zaida...

Russell and i...

Russell in the basket...

Russell and Mommy...

Russell getting cuddled by Baba and Tango...

Russell and Mommy...

discovering his newest toy...


Baba with her sleeping angel...


all smiles...

cutie pie...

more smiles...

Russell and Mommy...

Russell having fun with Zaida...

Auntie Judy adoring her nephew...

Russell and Charlie...

Russell, wearing the mocassins i wore as a little girl...

Russell and his big brother, Doug...


visit the other photo pages to see more...