Bonnie's Website - Enjoy!!!
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welcome to my home page...

hello...welcome, once again, to my name is bonnie and i'm glad you're visiting...this website includes pictures, stories, humour, strange facts, and a little more...much of it is about my family...and if you happen to be included in this crazy group of people, enjoy...and if you don't, beware...haha...remember to visit often, as i will be updating on a regular basis...visit the contact page to send me e-mail, snail mail, whatever you sure to sign my guestbook and let me know what you think...make suggestions, comments, criticisms, anything...most of all...relax and enjoy...

a bit about myself...

i became interested in website building about three years ago, when russell was an infant...i thought it was a good way to introduce him to relatives and friends that lived far of my hobbies is digital photography and i started to add my photos to websites...i invited friends and relatives to look at my pics, so they could keep updated...i'm going to try to include pics of everyone (so send me yours if there is a favorite you have) i will also include links to the sites where i have posted photos...there is also a page of some other cool links you may find interesting...spend some time browsing, and most of all...enjoy...

website highlights...the good stuff...

everything you see in this website is good, but there are a few highlights i would like to draw your attention to...firstly, my grandmother, Freda Driben, was recently inducted into the Women's Baseball Hall of Fame...the link to her website is on the endowment book of life, then click on read the book of on "D" for Driben and read her cool...a second point is the introduction of the two newest members of our family...Eve and Quinn...identical twin girls...the babies of proud parents Lisa and Steve Boardman...i promise to keep you updated with adorable photos of these two beautiful girls...there is also a tiny bit of history on this of people that unfortunately are no longer with us...people who shaped our lives and brought a great deal of joy and happiness to all around them...enjoy...

site updates...i told you i would be updating regularly... :)

so far, everything is fairly fact, brand new...this site was recently built, but i will definitely list any new pictures, stories, and news that has been, as i said before, visit often and enjoy...

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no crazy links...

this website is definitely NOT about wanting you to link to pages to buy things or spend money...but, banners and pop-ups may get in the way a bit...please don't be deterred by them...try to ignore (one of the hinderences of free website hosting) :(  -  having said that, the odd link is posted in this website so you could enjoy some of the great add-ins...

russell...much of this site will be devoted to him...the love of my life...

russell is three years old...his birthday was march 27...he's an energetic, intelligent (and of course great looking) little boy...he's growing so fast, so be sure to visit often and see updated pics of him (and his cousins, Eve and Quinn)

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