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Russell's first haircut...

Russell had his first haircut the other day...his Zaida took him...there were a few tears shed, but all in all everything turned out you can see...enjoy these pics of Russell and his great new look...

Russell...posing for the camera, with his new haircut...
when Russell was born, he had no hair at all - so i was happy to cut a few hairs on his head right before his first's amazing how quickly time has flown by...he looks like me more everyday...take a look at the picture of him and i good friend, Jeff, superimposed a photo of me at two years old onto a picture of Russell at the same can really see the resemblance...enjoy...
  Russell's new haircut...


Adobe photoshop is a great program to do photo editing...check out the website and see for yourself...

See Larger Image - Fiskars No. 7 Barber Scissors

WOW...mommy and russell????

Jeff is great...we took Russell and his niece and nephew to the Children's Museum in Winnipeg and i took a photo of Russell...after sending Jeff a picture of me at the same age...he surprised me with this editing cool!!!

posing again for the camera...

what a great haircut...


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