introducing my family...
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me, of course...

hello again...i'm bonnie...34 years old...mother, daughter, sister, aunt, niece, cousin...i must say my favorite role so far has been mother...the little boy who has made me the luckiest woman in the world is parents, Paul and Carol are the greatest...without them, well...i guess i wouldn't be the person i am today...and not just for the obvious little sister Lisa is an awesome woman too... a veteranarian, married to Steve, with two adorable daughters, Eve and Quinn (who happen to be identical twins)...then there's my Dad's mom Freda (known by her loved ones as Fritzie)...and of course, my Auntie Judy, who is my Mom's younger sister...we're a small family, but there's an extended family too, and they're all great people as well...there's Fritzie's sister Fannie and her sons Normie and Marnie, Marnie's sons Jack and Nick, and Normie's kids Lisa and David...Fritzie's niece Elaine and her nephew Allan...and Fritzie's brother, Norman...there's also my Mom's cousins Lally and Mel in Toronto and their sons, Dan and Steven...her cousins Romie in Belgium and his brother this world of virtual reality, i hope to introduce everyone eventually through pictures and sit back and enjoy the ride, on this, the super highway of my family...

a bit of family history...

my relatives live all over the world, from Europe, to Asia, to the United States, to right here at home in Canada...originally my mom's family came from Russia, and my father's family came from Romania and Russia...when i was born, most of my great grand parents were alive and all of my grand parents were around too...i was very lucky to be able to get to know my maternal grandmother, Ethel, who i called Nanny...we talked on the phone daily discussing the previous night's episode of "Married with Children" and she told me how to make latkes and grandfather, Morris, was my gardening coach, and i now can grow the most amazing Dad's dad, Harry, was a great guy too...although he passed away when i was a teenager, i joked and played with him, as he gave me "bread" and told me to go play in the traffic...

then there was my Dad's sister, Enid, who was a wonderful woman, with a great sense of humour...i loved having chicken fights in the pool at Gimli with her, my sister and my of my best holidays was visiting her in Edmonton...

my Auntie Judy's husband Brian was a wonderful man...i remember being at their wedding, the first Jewish wedding i had ever been was parents loved getting together with dad and Brian would have eating contests at Pesach and never was decided who the actual winner was...haha

i have amazing memories of Fritzie's parents, Baba Sofie and Zaida Sam...Baba Sofie giving me Sea's chocolates and Zaida Sam giving me one dollar bills to count out, along with wonderful books of nature and fantasy...

i also remember my mom's Baba, Eva, she loved me and always was so happy whenever we visited...

i hope to include pictures of all of these wonderful people, my you too can see them and remember them the way i do...beautiful and happy...

family is great...

getting together with family has always been fun...we laugh, joke, catch up, talk, reminisce...our family reunion in California in 1997 was great, as was the one in Winnipeg in 2000...we're a bit spread out now, but we still find the time to e-mail, call, and send pics to each Mom and Dad also had a great time at Lally and Mel's sons wedding in November 2002 in Toronto...enjoy the pics of these great get-togethers...and don't forget to check in often to see new ones...

send me e-mail...

check out this website...more family pictures for you to peruse...
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gotta love family...